What to expect in Oracle technical interview?

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Oracle's technical interview process is designed to evaluate candidates' technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and cultural fit within the company. Oracle, being a large organization with a broad range of products and services, may have varying interview processes depending on the role, department, and location. However, for software engineering positions, you can generally expect the following stages:

1. Initial Screening

  • Recruiter Phone Screen: A conversation with a recruiter to discuss your background, experiences, and motivations for joining Oracle. This stage checks for a basic fit for the role and may include light technical questions or discussions about your resume.

2. Technical Phone Interview

  • Coding and Problem-solving: This is usually conducted via a phone call or video conference, often involving live coding. Expect questions on data structures, algorithms, and possibly design patterns. The interviewer may use platforms like HackerRank or DesignGurus.io for live coding exercises.
  • Technical Discussion: Depending on the interviewer, this stage might also involve discussions around your past projects, specific technologies listed on your resume, or conceptual questions relevant to the role you're applying for (e.g., database design, system architecture, cloud computing concepts if applying for a cloud-related position).

3. Onsite Interviews

If you pass the initial phone screen(s), you'll be invited for onsite interviews, which could be virtual depending on the circumstances (like the COVID-19 pandemic). This round typically consists of multiple back-to-back interviews focusing on:

  • Deep-Dive Technical Interviews: More in-depth technical questions covering algorithms, data structures, system design, and possibly domain-specific knowledge based on the role (e.g., machine learning, databases).
  • Coding Challenges: Similar to the phone interview but more comprehensive. You'll be asked to write code, explain your thought process, and discuss the time and space complexity of your solutions.
  • System Design: For senior-level positions, expect system design questions where you'll need to design complex systems, discussing scalability, reliability, and trade-offs.
  • Behavioral Interviews: Questions aimed at understanding how you work within a team, handle conflict, lead projects, or solve problems. Oracle values cultural fit, so be prepared to discuss scenarios that demonstrate your soft skills and alignment with Oracle's values.
  • Manager or Team Interviews: You might also meet with potential managers or team members. These interviews could be less technical and more focused on ensuring a mutual fit.

What Oracle Looks For

  • Technical Proficiency: Strong understanding of computer science fundamentals, coding skills, and, for certain roles, deep knowledge in specialized areas.
  • Problem-solving Skills: Ability to approach problems methodically and come up with efficient solutions.
  • Cultural Fit and Soft Skills: Communication skills, teamwork, adaptability, and alignment with Oracle’s values are crucial.
  • Passion for Technology: Interest in Oracle's technologies, products, and the role's specific domain.

Preparation Tips

  • Review Fundamentals: Brush up on data structures, algorithms, and system design principles. Practice coding problems on platforms like Design Gurus or LeetCode.
  • Project Deep Dive: Be ready to discuss your past projects in detail, focusing on your contributions, the technologies used, and challenges faced.
  • Oracle's Technologies: Familiarize yourself with Oracle's product line relevant to your role. Understanding Oracle's cloud offerings, databases, or middleware can be particularly useful.
  • Mock Interviews: Practice with mock interviews to improve your coding, problem-solving, and interview skills.


Oracle's interview process is thorough and designed to ensure candidates are not only technically proficient but also a good cultural fit. Preparation is key, focusing on both technical aspects and behavioral components. Understanding Oracle’s business and showing enthusiasm for the role can also positively impact your interview outcome.

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